June 11th 2005 GLLUG Final Announcement
Is out and hitting mailing lists now. You can find the full details on this very site at the Unixdaemon GLLUG June 2005 page.
Organising this meeting has been quite strange, the speakers roster has changed almost completely from my original plan, the dates moved and, because of the summer, a lot of my usual routes of publicity have either cut back or gone off on holiday. I’m actually very proud of the talks we have and the quality of the speakers that have freely given up their Saturday to come and talk so it’s a shame were not getting full exposure. This is the strongest line-up GLLUG’s had in quite a while so I’m curious as to how many people turn up.
One of the things that always amazes me when I’m involved in something like this (or one of the short one-off events different groups occasionally do) is how friendly, flexible and willing to help almost everyone I contact is; the very worst response I’ve had back is a list of dates the speaker could do and a request for travel expenses to be covered! I consider myself very lucky to be able to participate in a community like this and I’d like to take this opportunity to say thanks to each and every person who’s been involved. For not hitting me when I got annoying with date changes, prodding for talk details or any of those other emails I’ve sent I say thank you and it is appreciated by each and every person who sees the talk, hears the recording or reads the slides.